Patient Information

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How much radiation will I be exposed to in my examination?

    The amount of Radiation you will receive will depend upon several factors including the type of examination and the region of your body that is examined.


    For example, dental examinations and general x-ray examinations will result in less of a radiation dose than a CT examination. Ultrasound examinations do NOT use radiation to produce images.


    When your Doctor refers you for a Medical Imaging examination, he/she has weighed up the benefits and risks associated with the procedure and has made the decision with you, the patient’s best interests in mind. If you have any further questions, please feel free to ask one of our staff members.


    The link below provides further information to improve the understanding of radiation risks from medical imaging.

  • Do I need to make a booking?

    Yes, bookings are required for Ultrasound, CT, DEXA and CBCT examinations. Bookings for plain X-rays and dental imaging not required.

  • Do I need a referral form?

    Yes, you will need to have a referral from your medical practitioner.

  • Can I use any referral form from my Doctor at Nepean Imaging?

    Yes we accept all referrals, even if it is on another company's referral form.

  • Do you Bulk Bill?

    Yes, we bulk bill for all of our examinations. DEXA (Bone Densitometry) examinations are bulk-billed in the VAST majority of cases and you'll be notified at the time of booking if this may not be the case.

  • What preparation do I need to undertake for my examination?

    There is no preparation required for all dental and general X-Rays. For Ultrasound and CT preparations, please Click Here.

  • Can I have an X-Ray if I am Pregnant?

    It is important to inform staff before your examination if there is ANY chance that you may be pregnant. 

For any further information please ring one of our practices. Contact us

Examination Preparation

  • Ultrasound

    Pelvic, Pregnancy, Prostate, Kidneys, Renal or KUB – You must have a full bladder for this examination. Empty your bladder two hours prior to your appointment, then drink one litre of water, finishing one hour before appointment. 


    For Example if your appointment is at 2pm, empty your bladder at 12pm and drink 1 litre of water between 12pm-1pm, hold until appointment.

  • Upper Abdominal

    Nothing to eat, drink, smoke or chew for six hours prior to appointment.

  • CT Scan

    Phone for preparation instructions.

  • X-Ray

    No preparation required.

Please inform staff if you are diabetic for appropriate preparation instructions.
Please bring any relevant previous X-rays and scans 
Please inform staff if you are, or think you may be pregnant. 
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